110 East Venango Street | Mercer, PA 16137 | 724-662-4233
Mercer Area Library
"A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life."-Beecher
Preparing for Higher Education
The ACT® is the leading US college admissions test, measuring what you learn in high school to determine your academic readiness for college. Register for the exam, take practice tests, and understand the meaning of your test scores.
Plan for the future with College Board! Prep for any exams you may need to take, including AP tests, SAT, ACT, GRE, and more. Information on college preparation, higher education admissions, and searching for the right school for you is also included.
Submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for higher education. Get help paying for school and learn how to attend the college or university of your dreams in a cost-effecive way!
If you're considering attending graduate school, the GRE may be an essential component of your application. Register and prepare for the exam, learn about your scores, and send them to the schools of your choice.
Paying for school doesn't have to be difficult with Federal Student Aid. Learn how you can prepare for college, find out if you qualify for aid, apply for aid, learn about loan repayment, and learn about scholarships for higher education.
Learn all about the new SAT and all the changes that you can anticipate when you take the exam. Prepare like a pro, register for your test date, interpret your scores, and send your scores to schools of your choice.
Educational Resources Online
Academic Earth offers a range of more than 1,500 videos from courses from yale, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, and more. Subjects from astronomy and biology to psychology and media studies are available for review and easy to access when on the go- all for free!
Khan Academy offers a learning experience that is accessible for anyone or any skill level. Created to be completely not-for-profit by Sal Khan, this site provides access to thousands of videos on virtually any subject with an emphasis on science, technology, math, finance, and art history. Content is offered in short sessions, excercises, and practices to make learning memorable and effortless.
TED (Standing for Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a nonprofit group that offers over 1,000 TED Talks in a popular video lecture series. Talks, added weekly to the site, feature a wide variety of speakers such as Nobel Prize winners, top computer and tech company leaders, and leaders of the scientific world. Learn something new in this intriguing and easy to watch series that may easily be shared and reposted.